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Oh, how I wish it was me that got a long over due make-over. But alas, it wasn't. It was my fridge. Yep. Out with the old and moldy and in with the edible goods.
Today, I spent an hour grocery shopping the perimeter of the store while only going into the middle aisles for a few staples. I cursed at myself for not having coupons but then was grateful because that would have added another hour to my trip. Besides, they don't have many coupons for the non-processed meats, fruits, and vegetables. So leaving ever so proudly that I managed to stay away from all the snack foods, I loaded up and carted home my healthy foods. (Yes, I wish I had a nice piece of chocolate right now!)
I then spent the next 3 hours prepping, preparing, and cooking meals and snacks for the next two weeks. Apparently, I felt I had nothing better to do with my Sunday afternoon. (The plus side...the tv never came on and I wasn't mindlessly eating.) I remembered from my Weight Watcher days how important it is to spend the time putting together everything in advance so all I have to do is grab and go. And with walking out the door at 5:30 in the morning, that's about all I'm capable of. So all my fruits and veggies are cleaned, cut, and bagged and ready to pack. I even pre-made some protein based quickies to have through out the day. I cooked and re-froze chicken pieces to have for lunches and dinners as well as pre-measuring all my other meat products and making a batch of tuna salad.
With the exception of Michael's lunch stuff, I have managed to stay away from processed prepackaged foods and I'm quite proud of myself. With having no sugary snacks in the house, I can feel comfortable knowing that my mindless eating will at least be healthy eating!
So my past week has had more ups and downs then the hills I will be facing in the half marathon.
It started with the passing of our sweetest and oldest girl, Nakita. She was nearly 16 years old when she left us. She became a part of our lives at about a year old and she was a rescued strayed. She was also the first pet Michael and I had gotten together just before we got married. To lose her was losing a piece of our hearts. She lived longer than either of us expected and we knew the day would come but it doesn't make the heart break easier.
I promised myself I would start my adapted version of a "Couch To 5k" program last Monday. But I started coming up with reasons why I should start Tuesday...which led to Wednesday...which led to, well it led nowhere. So I'm already getting myself behind. But I did stick to a few changes I was determined to make. I've cut back on my portion sizes during meals. I'm trying to be more aware of what I'm eating and making better choices then I have in the past (note I said trying...not all choices were the best when comfort foods have a way of entering the picture). I also discovered this week that I'm not an emotional eater. I eat/graze mindlessly when not occupied by something busy. If I sit and watch tv, I eat. If I putter around the house or blog on the computer, I don't eat. This bit of info is good to know and to remind myself of some detrimental patterns to avoid. I am also working on not being a closet eater. This would require a trip to the couch so I will just leave it at that!
The good news is I've lost another 3lbs. Considering the only exercise I did for 7 days was last week's bike ride, I'm happy with that. So I shifted my mentality of exercising for this week. I went for another bike ride yesterday and I went for a walk today. I love that feeling of completion but I can't help but whine about the start. So I have recruited folks to help me. I have a friend/coworker that has recently joined our local YMCA, I plan to do the same. There are 2 locations convenient for me. During the week on 2 days, her and I will go to the gym to work out. The other 3 days I will spend doing walk/run intervals with a friend to prepare for the 5k in September (my goal is to run the entire 5k under 36 minutes) and then the half marathon in December (my goal is to finish it under 3 hours~last time I did it in 3:24). On the weekends I also have a buddy system. Saturday will continue to be long bike rides with friends and family and Sunday will be long walks with my aunts that I hope to turn into long runs soon. Dang, I'm tired just typing all that activity! =)
I know I cannot take this journey alone and I have the greatest friends and family that want me to succeed and are willing to help me accomplish my goals. I just hope they still love me when I'm cussing 'em out. You may have noticed, I put a ticker at the top of my blog. Check back from time to time to see me work my way to the end and beyond.
Today was our "long" bike ride with our BFFs Dwayne and Patrick. Dwayne just got his bike last week and already logging the serious miles. Our first trip out was rough on me with the heat and the fact that my behind is usually sedentary on a couch. We did about 5 miles and called it a day. Dwayne called around dinner time Thursday and wanted to get out and enjoy the cool breeze that created a break in the hot weather we've been having. We did another 6 miles that evening but wanted to do a little more but the sun was going down. So we made a plan to have a longer ride set up for today.
A little over 15 miles later...! It was a wonderful 3 1/2 hour morning. We explored in and around Shelby Farms and the Wolf River. We took paved paths and we did some trail riding. Stopped for breakfast and found some more places to ride. We're already talking about going again....but I think I need to let my butt rest a few days, that saddle sure does get uncomfortable after awhile.
I mad
e a self observation today: I had more fun doing an exercise I don't like simply because I was with friends. While I know I got a great workout, I never felt like I was "working". That's what will keep me on this path to a healthier lifestyle. I even made good choices today at Chick-Fil-A by ordering a bowl of fruit and having chocolate milk. Drank lots of water (but that's no surprise to those who know me). AND...I even lost 5lbs in a week!!! Time for that reward....hmmmm....I'm thinking a pedicure is in my near future!
Next up is to start getting ready for a 5k in September. My plan is to walk/run 3 days a week and still hook up with my boys for weekend rides.
It's been nearly a year since my last post. I think I have redefined "slacker"! But hopefully it can be considered I am making amends.
Once again, I am GOING to (please note that I did not say "try" or "attempt") put myself back on the righteous path to better overall health. This must begin with me being completely honest with myself and anyone else who reads this. I am officially 100lbs over weight. I can't believe I let myself get this way or this far. There are no excuses, no blame, no what ifs. I simply must hold myself accountable for the choices I have made over the last 5 years. And I feel it is necessary for me to point out the myself...that the only one that can change it, IS ME!
I found a little inspiration in my dear friend, Dwayne who recently bought his first bicycle as an adult and has found a desire to want to get out and ride it. I have been finding a little of that desire, coupled with a side of need, to get out with him. Let me be the first to admit that the one and only activity that I truly dislike the most is bike riding. And there is NO activity I like to do in the Memphis heat! Butt....(yes, I meant to use 2 ts), I have never enjoyed myself more because I am riding with friends just as a social thing to do. So now, I have the plus side of it being something that got my fat butt of the couch, outside and moving.
So what exactly am I to do with this lost but now I have found desire...why something crazy of course! I just signed myself up for the St. Jude Half Marathon in December. Yep! Paid for! In full! No refund! No turning back! Butt since I like the idea of my physical activities to be social, I am trying to brainwash...I mean recruit...I mean ask/beg/bribe friends to do this with me. (Side note: I am a teacher, I am never above bribing to get what I want, just ask my co-worker, Bethany) While I say I am accountable for my choices, I need to be held accountable for my actions. This is where I always fail. So if anyone is interested in joining me, I start a simple "Couch 2 5k" program Monday that leads me to half marathon Training mid-Septembter.
So...why am I rambling? Because I need all the help I can get to stay focused on the big picture, getting healthy. I have big goals and I have baby steps and a whole lotta obstacles in between. I want this extra 100lbs off but instead of setting myself up for failure by saying "I'm gonna lose 10lbs a month or I'm gonna exercise 7 days a week", I'm taking baby steps to get there and rewarding myself for the littlest to the biggest of accomplishment. I have financially committed myself to a few local active events and I'm enlisting any and all of my peeps to go all "Drill Sargent" on me. There is no set time frame, just a constant forward movement and momentum.
With that, I hope to be blogging/pestering everyone with my ambitious life plan a lot more often.
Till then!